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If you don’t understand pricing plans
If you don’t understand pricing plans
Currently there are just 3 listing packages to choose from. The “Free” package is unlimited but you will not benefit from the full power of Medicallib. It is good for those who just want to list their business and contact details.
The “Premium” package is also free but unlike the “Free” package which is unlimited, the “Premium” package is renewable every year for free. This enables businesses to take advantage of the full power of MedicalLib for free and with commitment. After it expires, all you have to do is to upgrade again and still for free. As of now Medicallib does not have any intention to charge businesses for his services except for online booking.
The “Book-It” package is for “1 year“. It includes 200 “Allowed Bookings” max with “SMS and Email Reminders”. After your 200 bookings are used up, you will be charged R3 per every subsequent booking. This you will pay through bank transfer as per invoice received.
Medicallib reserves the right to alter the above details with or without notice.